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Monday, February 13, 2023


Saturday, February 11, 2023

"All Author" author interview! December 2020

Andrea Roche Interview Published on: 11, Mar 2020 A dreamer and scribbler, was writing your childhood dream?
   Mostly because I believed everyone was able to make up stories in their head. I thought it was nothing special to have an imagination and be able to verbalize my thoughts. A child wants to please their parents and my parent didn’t prize that ability. I didn’t find until many years later not everyone had flights of fantasy, and it was a special ability. 
Having spent so many years in your childhood home, which is your most cherished memory?
When I was very young, we had a swing set in the yard. Playing on the swings with my sisters and their friends is a dear memory. Being I was the baby of the family they were always careful with me when we were on the swing set. They paid special attention that the “baby” wouldn’t get hurt. It made me feel very special.

In life, who has been your biggest inspiration as an author? 
Without a doubt – Jane Austen. The way she had of turning a phrase was masterful. Also, her ability to tell a story and place the reader in the midst of the scene was perfect. There was so much she had to sacrifice as a woman. But, look what she has left behind. She is legendary.

In What ways do you think your writing will instill in your readers the idea that a woman can find their independence while keeping homegrown values?
In my story, my main character became an independent businesswoman. Her values, which were instilled in her by her mentor, are that people are all created equal. She values everyone’s life and believes everyone deserves a chance. Because she runs her family’s plantation in the 1600’s era, there are servants who work the fields. Arose keeps her values by treating them as equals, freeing them to come and go as they please, giving them nice homes, and the children's education.

How did scrolling through the pictures of your honeymoon in Jamaica inspired you to start writing?While my husband and I were in Jamaica, we visited a mansion called ‘Rose Hall’. When I stepped out of the bus, I was inundated with emotions and visions of things that happened on the grounds in the past. The voices and images stayed with me for years in the back of my mind. They never pushed me until I opened the picture album and remembered what was going on in my head at that time. "Nights Arose" is a fantasy romance set in 17th-century Jamaica. 

How much did you research to write a story set in the 17th century?
I did tons of research I will tell you just some here:  I researched and noted so many things. What dresses she may be wearing as a maid at her sister's wedding and the colors she may be wearing. Of course, having her own mind, she wouldn’t wear that dress so I researched another dress of the time, which would be more provocative 
I research the names of ships that were in the ocean at that time. The Golden Sun was the name of a French ship I used as her Uncle’s galleon.
 In 1692, the town of Port Royal in Jamaica was hit by an earthquake, which was followed by a tidal wave. Stories abounded about why the town was wiped off the map. The common belief was that it was God’s retribution for the wickedness of the pirates of the town. One ship made it out before the tidal wave hit. My characters escaped on that ship. 
Recently in the sandy underwater graveyard of the fallen town, a pocket watch was found. I used the watch and the time it said in my book.
 I also research the history of Jamaica and found that many indentured servants were given homes on the sugar plantations and were treated more as sharecroppers than they were slaves. I used this in my story. 
I always loved pirate lore and used the fact that women were believed to be bad luck on ships, so many dressed as men. I made her dress as a man for part of her life so she can live on the sea much like Jacquotte Delahaye and Anne Dieu-Le-Veut, (who actually turns up in my second book as the mother of her husband.)How do you think gaining a B.A. Degree with a dual major in Marketing and English Literature has helped you in writing and promoting your books?

Was there any point in your life when you ever doubted that being an author was what was right for you? What was your biggest motivation?
I never set out to write a story and constantly doubted I could make it work! A couldn’t imagine someone would be interested in the stories I made in my imagination. My biggest motivation was my mother’s words telling me I can do anything and be anything I wanted to be. After her death, I wanted to show my family and myself I could live up to her expectations.
How was your experience of being at th New York's largest sci-fi convention?
I loved it! I was simply in my element with the entire cosplay. I am a Trekkie, Star Wars, (I’m definitely a Sith!) and most especially a PIRATE. I went to the Convention with my best Pirate Costume on. I took pictures with Bumblebee from the Transformers and with my favorite Sith cosplayer and actress Deanna Martin. (Who is now the proud owner of a personally signed copy of Nights Arose.)


Original Book Launch 2018

READING Festival

New Bookmarks for giveaways Love these

My table at the Queens Public Library in Maspeth.
My book is now available there!
Some happy authors at the Maspeth Book Fair.

Awards for Nights Arose The Gem of the Red Spirit

Tellula Gossiper Tells all

Hello Readers!

Give a Hail and Hearty Hello to a lovely lady named Tellula Gossiper.

Having met Tellula while passing through town one day I found she had more than one tale to tell.

Adverse to a curse and a burp I found her very intriguing and asked her to add her story to my blog.
She has more than one thing to say about Arose DuMouchelle. I am very happy to bring you back in time for a fine Sunday in June in the year of our Lord 1693.  Where Tellula tells have invited me to a lovely brunch, with none other than an eyewitness to Arose's last reported sighting in Montego Bay.

                                               One full year after NIGHTS AROSE ends.

Headline: Miss Tellula Gossiper Tells all!

Dear Miss Roche,

Thank you for letting me chime in with my addition to your wonderful chronicle.
Finding people who have the knack for irreverent curiosity, digging out the juiciest of tidbits and passing them along to you, is a favorite past time of mine.
Today my guest has the most fascinating story regarding a young woman who has been the talk of the town most recently, Arose Du Mouchelle.

A more ill-fated heiress you would be hard-pressed to find. She is the daughter of François Du Mouchelle. A widower. Until Lady Katherine Abbott, formerly of Gloucester, caught wind of his prosperity. Her ladyship came in lock stock and barrel with her two daughters and six cats. She skillfully set off to be me the next Mrs. Du Mouchelle.

The girl, after living with her new mother for only a few months, disappeared! We were told the child, being of gifted circumstance, had been sent abroad for ‘lessons’.

After many years already having seen over twenty summers, she returned home. When Lady Katherine’s eldest married, rumor has it Arose ran off with the notorious pirate, Captain St. James. Her whereabouts are still unknown.

                  My dear readers this is the most scandalous story of the year!

This brings me to the guest I entertained today.

Through delightful happenstance, during a meeting that purely coincidental, I am now in the confidence of a Miss Beatrice Cleary. I have discovered she had a front row seat to what transpired only days before the young lady’s quick exodus from Le Mason Du Mouchelle, based in Montego Bay.

I have invited Miss Cleary here for tea to discuss, before you, my friendly tattlers…what exactly happened that day.“Please come in Miss Cleary have a seat by the window. Have a teacake.” I say with earnest. 

With my Shih-Tzu puppies Molly and Sophie yapping at the housekeeper's heels, Miss Beatrice enters my home. Since having sent a note around inviting her to tea I am, as always, in hopes that she imports herself with more manners then her decade old hat and muddy shoes insinuate.

Afternoon genialities were seen to and after which I got down to the matter at hand.
“Miss Beatrice,” I ask, “What did you see Thursday last of Miss Arose? Inquiring minds simply must know.”

“Well, I sees Arose walking down the center of the street you see.” Beatrice’s bustle squeaked as she shifted in her seat. She continued, “I then spots those no account Murphy boys hawking about. I just knew they was in for some trouble. I sees them glaring at her in her fine frock.”

Miss Beatrice shoved another teacake into her mouth and said, “I runs up to her and tells her –‘that’s Shaw, Faolan and Liam. They ruined more than one ladies good name they has’.”

“My goodness, did she heed your warning?” I asked her divinely concerned.

“Well, you think she would have walked off, but she didn’t. Next thing you know, quick as a wink Missy herself lays out the biggest one, Shaw, on the street. Blood splattered everywhere, but not a drop on her ladyship’s jumper. She bows her head and walks off. Cool as a cucumber that one.”

There you have it, gentle readers! A first account witness to what has taken Saint Anne’s Parish by storm. Where has Arose Du Mouchelle been and what has she been learning? Maybe this will give us some clues as to why she left and why with a notorious pirate. More to come next time…ta-ta for now.

Mrs. Tellula Gossiper

Nights Arose Summer Reading Party


Vacation Time!

Beach time
Pool time or Picnic time

any time is a great time to read Nights Arose!

Read the story take a summer reading picture and send it to me and I will feature you in a great looking teaser.
Take a picture on the beach on the deck or veranda. Take a picture on your lanai.
Tropical, city or in between.

Take a look at these great book teasers